Click on the PDF  Icon of the corresponding bid to download the EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF BID EVALUATION REPORT.

Supply and Delivery of Laptops, Desktops, Printers, Software and Related IT Equipment to Ohangwena Regional Council G/ONB/OHRC17-01/2024/2025 DOWNLOAD
Supply, Deliver and Installation of kitchen extractor hood at Usko Nghaamwa Special School in Eenhana Circuit and Tileinge Andima Combined School in Okongo Circuit G/RFQ/OHRC10-40/2023/2024 DOWNLOAD
Supply and Delivery of Civil Materials for Water Supply  G/RFQ/OHRC38-04/2023/2024 DOWNLOAD
Supply, delivery and installation of stainless steel cupboard locks and hinges on the lockers at Ohangwena Regional Library G/RFQ/OHRC10-48/2023/2024 DOWNLOAD
Supply, Deliver and install Electrical Works for the construction of new Kitchen Dining facility at William Billy Mwaningange Rural Development Centre Ohangwena Region W/RB/OHRC17-01/2023/2024 DOWNLOAD
Servicing and Repairing of oil Jackets Pots, Stove and Frying Pan at nine Schools in Ohangwena Region NCS/RFQ/OHRC10-24/2023/2024 DOWNLOAD
Emptying out of Septic tanks at various educational Institutions within the Ohangwena Region, for a period of thirty-six (36) months  NCS/ONB/OHRC10-02/2022/2023

Request for a Quotation for the Construction of Water and Sewer Reticulation for Business Erven at Ongenga Settlement 

Request for a Quotation for the Construction of Water and Sewer Reticulation for Residential Erven at Ongenga Settlement



Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computers and Laptops to Ohangwena Regional Council G/RFQ/OHRC17-34/2022/2023
Emptying of Septic tanks at various Educational Institutions in Ondobe, Otunganga and Eenhana Circuits in Ohangwena Region NCS/FRQ/OHRC10-49/2022/2023
Supply and delivery of IT equipment to Ohangwena Regional Council G/ONB/OHRC17-02/2022/2023 DOWNLOAD
Supply and delivery of office stationery for Oshikunde circuit office and Directorate of Education, Arts and Culture G/RFQ/OHRC10-45/2022/2023 DOWNLOAD
Procurement of additional school stationery for 2023 academic year G/RFQ/OHRC10-43/2022/2023 DOWNLOAD
Drilling of one Shallow borehole of 150 meters and pump Testing at Ekangolongobe in Oshikunde Constituency. NOTICE FOR SELECTION OF AWARD and EXECUTIVE SUMMARY W/ONB/OHRC17-07/2022/2023

Construction of Sewer Reticulation at Omungwelume Settlement 

  1. Construction of Water Reticulation at Omungwelume Settlement 
  2. Construction of Low Voltage Reticulation and Street Lighting at Omungwelume
  3. Construction of Gravel Road in Ongha Settlement 
  4. Supply and Delivery of Water Pipes to Oshikango Constituency Office
  5. Construction of Sewer Reticulation at Omungwelume Settlement 
  6. Supply and Delivery of Water Pipes to Ohangwena Constituency Office
  7. Supply and Delivery of Materials for Tutala Restaurant in Oshikunde Constituency and Kaingala Restaurant in Engela Constituency 
  8. Supply and Delivery of Gardening Materials for Oshikango Youth Project in Oshikango Constituency 
  9. Supply and Delivery of Cleaning Material to Ohangwena Regional Council 
  10. Supply and Delivery of Office stationery to Ohangwena Regional Council
  11. Supply and Delivery of 150 plastic Chairs to Oshikunde Constituency Office 
  1. W/RFQ/OHRC17-10/2022/2023
  2. W/RFQ/OHRC17-11/2022/2023
  3. W/RFQ/OHRC17-08/2022/2023
  4. G/RFQ/OHRC17-26/2022/2023
  5. W/RFQ/OHRC17-09/2022/2023
  6. G/RFQ/OHRC17-11/2022/2023
  7. G/RFQ/OHRC17-12/2022/2023
  8. G/RFQ/OHRC17-25/2022/2023
  9. G/RFQ/OHRC17-23/2022/2023
  10. G/RFQ/OHRC17-22/2022/2023
  11. G/RFQ/OHRC17-10/2022/2023
Transportation, Storage and Handling of Maize meal blend bags (12.5kg) to 91 Various Government schools in Eastern Circuit (Okongo, Oshikunde, Ohakafiya and Epembe) for 2023 Academic year NCS/RFQ/OHRC10-33/2022/2023
Conversion of one classroom into science Laboratory (CLA1) at Oshaango CS, Otunganga Circuit W/RFQ/OHRC10-37/2022/2023
Supply and deliver school stationeries for 2023 Academic year G/RFQ/OHRC10-39/2022/2023
Supply and Delivery of Construction Materials for Peumba and Onambwebwe Health Centres in Engela Constituency G/RFQ/OHRC17-18/2022/2023
Kitchen and Laundry Equipment Installations in the Kitchen-Dining Facility at William Billy Mwaniengange Rural Development Center in the Ohangwena Region W/RFQ/OHRC17-04/2022/2023
Supply and delivery of printed protective clothing and gear for Ohangwena Regional Council G/RFQ/OHRC01-09/2022/2023
Supply and Delivery of Building Material for Omupembe Kindergarten in Okongo Constituency G/RFQ/OHRC17-09/2022/2023
  • Liquefied petroleum gas (I.PG) installation at Kitchen-Dinning facility at William Billy Mwaningange Rural Development Centre in Ohangwena Region
  • Supply, Deliver and Install Electrical Works for the Construction of New Kitchen-Dining facility at William Billy Mwaningange Rural Development Centre in the Ohangwena Region
  • W/RFQ/OHRC17-01/2022/2023
  • W/RFQ/OHRC17-05/2022/2023
Supply,Delivery and Install two new sewage pump machine at Oshela SS pump Station G/RFQ/OHRC10-29/2022/2023
Construction of Stalls for SMEs in Omungwelume Settlement  W/ONB/OHRC17-02/2022/2023


  • Air-conditioning & ventilation installation at Kitchen-dinning facility at William Billy Mwaningange Rural Development Centre in Ohangwena Region

  • Solar water heater Installation at Kitchen dinning facility at William Billy Mwaningange Rural Development Centre in Ohangwena Region


  • W/RFQ/OHRC17-02/2022/2023
  • W/RFQ/OHRC17-03/2022/2023
Construction Of Stalls For SMEs In Omungwelume Settlement W/ONB/OHRC17 - 02/2022/2023
Construction of Oshikunde Multi-Purpose Youth Centre: Kiosk and Ablution facilities W/ONB/OHRC17 - 01/2022/2023
Supply and deliver materials for the In-Service Training for the Pre-Vocational and Teachers in Ohangwena Region G/RFQ/OHRC10-26/2022/2023
  • Cancellation of Bidding Process

  • Supply and deliver cleaning materials for Libraries

Supply and Delivery of Embroidered T-Shirts and Track-suits for the Regional Debating Team G/RFQ/OHRC10-01/2022/2023
Construction of gravel road in Ongenga Constituency W/RFQ/OHRC17-16/2021/2022
Executive Summary : Fencing off of Tukwafa Chicken Project in Ondobe Constituency W/RFQ/OHRC17-23/2021/2022
Supply and delivery of ICT equipment for the Directorate of Education, Arts and Culture G/RFQ/OHRC10-61/2021/2022
Supply and delivery of furniture for the Directorate of Education, Arts and Culture G/RFQ/OHRC10-60/2021/2022
Supply and delivery of office stationery for Finance Section G/RFQ/OHRC10-63/2021/2022
Supply and delivery of photocopy papers for Ohakafiya Circuit  G/RFQ/OHRC10-58/2021/2022
Supply, delivery and install eighteen (18) Air Conditioners for the Directorate of Education, Arts and Culture G/RFQ/OHRC10-47/2021/2022
Supply and delivery of cleaning materials and chemicals to Government schools hostels G/RFQ/OHRC10-26/2021/2022
Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of Electrical (Oil Jacket) Pots  G/ONB/OHRC10-04/2021/2022
Transportation, storage and Handling of Maize Blend Bags (12,5 kg) to various schools in Western Circuits (Ongha, Ohangwena and Ondola with 70 schools) NCS/ONB/OHRC10-01/2021/2022 LOT C
Transportation, storage and Handling of Maize Blend Bags (12,5 kg) to various schools in Central Circuits (Eenhana, Otunganga and Ondobe with 73 schools) NCS/ONB/OHRC10-01/2021/2022 LOT B
Supply and Deliver Training Materials for NSHE and Physical Science G/RFQ/OHRC10-39/2021/2022
Supply and Delivery of School Stationery for 2022 Academic Year  G/RFQ/OHRC10-28/2021/2022
Supply and Delivery of 31 506 melamine ware bowls 16cm shatterproof  G/RFQ/OHRC10-17/2021/2022
Provision of Catering Service, Hall and Accommodation for Pre-Primary Novice Teachers and ECD Educarers Training NCS/RFQ/OHRC10-09/2021/2022
Supply and Delivery of Large Djembe Drum G/IQ/OHRC10-07/2021/2022
Supply and Delivery of Drama Costumes for Arts and Culture Office  G/RFQ/OHRC10-18/2021/2022
Supply and Delivery of Training materials for Home Ecology G/IQ/OHRC10-10/2021/2022
Procuring of Name Tags for Staff Members G/IQ/OHRC10-08/2021/2022
Construction of Kitchen-Dining Facility at William Billy Mwaningange Rural Development Centre  W/ONB/OHRC/17-01/2020/2021
Refuse Removal and Disposal in Ongha Settlement for a Period of Thirty-six (36) Months  NCS/ONB/OHRC17-03/2020/2021