The constituency is sharing boundaries with Kunene Province in the southern Angola on the North-West, Oshikango Constituency on the North-East, Endola Constituency on the South, Ohangwena Constituency on the Eastern part and Ongenga Constituency on the Western part.

Hon. Erikan Hainghumbi
  • Office Location

    The Constituency Office is located at Oshimwaku village

  • Population

    The constituency has a population size of 24641, as per 2011 National Housing Population Census of 2011

  • Number of households

    The constituency has highest number of households which make up to 11.36% of the total number of household in the region

  • Source of Income

    Depends on wages, salaries and farming as their source of income. Majority of households are depending on government social grand

  • Source of Water

    The community here are supplied with Piped water as their source of clean/ safe drinking water. They also depend on water wells, Oshanas and streams