The constituency is sharing boundaries with Oshikango Constituency on the North, Endola Constituency on the South, Omulonga Constituency on the Eastern part and Engela on the West.

Hon. Johannes Hakanyome
  • Office Location

    The constituency office is located at Onhuno location in the Helao Nafidi Town Council

  • Population

    The constituency has a population size of 23851 inhabitants, as per 2011 National Housing Population Census of 2011

  • Number of Households

    The constituency has about 4207 households that makes up to 9.62% of the total households in the region

  • Source of Income

    Inhabitants here depend on social grand and farming as their main source of income.

  • Source of Water

    The community here have piped water only a number of size survives on underground water wells, streams and Oshanas.